
Walking snow in zentai suit

What's the feeling of walking zentai in snow?
Do you want to have  a try?
Oh,I guess it must be feeling good and fantastic!
But many people don't want to wear zentai in cold winter, and a lycra spandex zentai can't keep warm in winter, right?
But you can choose to wear velet zentai suit, which is
cool too, and so you can wear zentai whenever you want to.


What do you think of this zentai pictuer?

I just found this picture is very funny and interesting,so what do you think of it? As we can see the zentai boy is in a babershop, and waiting for servece,I don't think it is a good idea to wear zentai suit when haircutting,especially a full bodysuit.
But I guess he is just want to take afunny picture to us, but don't cute his hair only.


Fashionable zentai style

People have different ways of showing their fashion and cool,while I think zentai is the best suit for people to show their fashion.
See the two boys in the photo, and you can find that their zentai is fashionable and cool.Especiall the boy who wears a pair pink cute glasses.
Well,do you think this is a good way of showing your fashion? After see this photo, you maybe interested in zentai suit.